Friday, January 15, 2016

5 thing Friday - blooms, Firstborn's birthday, room plans, poinsettia, pralines

It's been really beautiful outside lately.
The weather here in Central Texas thinks its Spring.  I would love to get out in the yard and do some planting and landscaping and such, but I have to keep reminding myself  ITS WINTER.  
I guess once it freezes, I will cut the Wandering Jew back.  For now, its really lovely.
 This one turns 26 on Monday.  

 I promised Bubbie I would get rid of this terrible tubular bed from 1995 and get him a real mattress and box spring set.  Also that we would redecorate and get new linens.  I don't know why it is so hard for me nowadays to kickstart myself on projects. 
I took home a poinsettia from work as no one is watering them and when they die they will just wind up in the dumpster.  I don't know the second thing about keeping them alive - I figure a nice spot in a window might be the first thing. So far, life.
When I got to my mother's house on a recent morning, she was stirring a pot of pralines at the stove.  I'm not sure what possessed her to make pralines on a random morning, but I can tell you that they are buttery and wonderful and as good as any you could find at an East Austin bakery.  Plus, she wrapped each one individually and told me to hide them and make them last.  


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