Time to review my bucket list and see how my summer is panning out...
*Sonic - only been a couple times - will do more often. Part of the problem is that they keep putting Bluebell on sale at Walgreen's, so we just slob out at home with ice cream.*Make pickles - yes. I found a great recipe for refrigerator pickles here
*Eat on patio - no. It's been so humid and terrible outside. We are grilling out there, but eating inside.
*Den blinds - not yet. I have to get the bathroom tile replaced first, I think.
*Pool more often - grr. Rain. Although when it is sunny, I take my old mama self over there and try to exercise with my kickboard.
*Library - no. But I am making my way through this stack of books. I have read Heaven Lake and I really liked it. Plowing my way through The Samurai's Garden now. So, reading IS happening.
*Get Bubbie ready for camp - done. He had a good time and came home worn out. And smelly. And with three merit badges.
*Help Scout find a job - turns out he didn't need my help and found a job in Receiving at Macy's. He really likes it, but they don't schedule him much. Back on that horse, Scout. And it's time for us to get him scheduled for college classes.
*Driver's ed - I told Bubbie we would wait til Spring. Once July 28th arrives, our lives will belong to band until Winter Break. That's fine - in my opinion, there is no rush to get boys to driver's ed. Up until age 25, they are the group most likely to die in a car. We good.
*Make donuts and pretzel bread - no. My pretzel bread was a fail. However, we have a plan to explore coffee shops in Austin where we will consume plenty of baked goods.
*Carol - Sigh. The rain cramped our plans. We set a rain date of August 8th. I have this to bring her:
And probably a lot of venting, too. Whoever in Bloggy Land came up with using the parmesan caps on canning jars - genius.
*Paint chairs and kitchen - Fall. It just can't happen right now. Too much humidity.
*Visiting my mother - still haven't done this and it's been since May. I was planning on it last week and life got in the way again.
*Lunch out - yes! We've enjoyed Lucy's, BJ's Brewhouse, Asia Cafe, Super China, Hopdoddy's, Cafe Java, Niki's, Whataburger, and Torchy's, to name a few...
I bet the boys wish I would let them eat in peace.
*Couch for firstborn - I think I'm going to give him the futon. I decided a papasan chair would be better for the Lounge. World Market has a great one I like. But again, so many other things have to happen first. The Girl is still living in that room and a large air mattress takes up the bulk of the floor.*Grass - helped by rain and growing faster than we can keep up, although there are still bald spots I'd like to fill.
*Vacay - not yet.
*Car for me - ditto
Hopefully those few things I would like to do can get closer to getting done - we still have about 3 weeks of Summer vacay left!