Monday, July 21, 2014

Mealplan Monday #120 and a new bed

I penciled in a day for cleaning up Bubbie's room while he was at camp, and I got the brilliant idea that I would spray paint the metal bed so it wasn't white and crib-looking.  
 This is half of the bunk beds I bought in 1995.  
 Oh, dear.  See, this is what happens when you don't prep your shiny metal surface and prime it. The paint will start to fleck right off.  That won't work for any length of time on furniture.  I knew better...
Scout helped me rough up the finish and I went to Home Depot for the second time that morning to purchase more paint and some automotive primer.  

Monday - Coney Island dogs, rosemary fries
Tuesday - Chicken Pot Pie
Wednesday - Moroccan garbanzo stew with kielbasa, garlic toast
Thursday - Cashew Cumin Chicken*, rice, peas
Friday - Sausage spinach bake, carrots (special request from The Girl)
Saturday - Dad grill
Sunday - Stuffed Shells, salad
Dessert this week....hmmm...I'll think on it.
*This is one of those jarred sauces you find in the ethnic foods section - I love Indian food.

 By the middle of the afternoon, I had given it several coats of a flat black paint.  We had to work a little to straighten the metal slats - after years of use they had bowed a little, making the mattress sink in.  I didn't bother painting the very center of the slats.  They will never be seen.  It looks a little like wrought iron, now and less like a crib.  I even did away with the bed elevators; he no longer needed all that storage space and they make the bed a little rickety.  There was plenty of room for the Container Store baskets for magazines and such.  His filing crate went into the closet.
 I ordered him a new gray and black comforter, steam cleaned the carpets, and did some general straightening up.  

I even watered his bamboo!  
Welcome home, Bubbie.  Can't wait to see pics of camp!


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