Friday, October 4, 2013

While they're away...

I know I shouldn't step in and clean Bubbie's room.
It's his job, I know.
 But after I found his band glove on the floor and noticed the twig carvings from his new knife on the desk, saw that his wastebasket was full of assorted zip loc bags from his lunch kit, and wondered if clean sheets could make is smell less funky in here, I just did it.  Vacuumed,  Changed sheets, put dirties in the hamper.
Took a few glasses to the kitchen.  Emptied the trash.
Why, hello Home Instrument that has yet to be opened and practiced...
And while I was at it, I hit Scout's room a lick or two.
Do you ever just give up and tackle cleaning their rooms while they are away at school?

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