Monday, October 28, 2013

Mealplan Monday #82 and my sweet nappers

Someone really should have warned me against looking through old photo albums when I am feeling blue.  It doesn't have the uplifting effect you would think.
Scout and The Girl

Monday - Cafe Rio Chicken tacos, black beans
Tuesday - Bacon Guacamole Grilled Cheesers, tots
Wednesday - Mediterranean Pesto Chicken with orzo, salad
Thursday - Scout's Birthday!  eating out
Friday - Stuffed Pepper Soup, corn muffins
Saturday - Dad grill
Sunday - Southwest Flank Steak in the crock pot, Spanish rice, salad

all grown up!

I never thought I would say it, but sometimes I long for the days when they were little.  So  I repeat to myself  "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened". And is still happening!
Amen to that.


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