Friday, January 11, 2013

Freezer meals #2

It's been a drab few days and with the rain, I am stuck indoors.  So what else to do besides clean and cook? I gathered up recipes I could throw into the freezer for cooking later and headed to the store.
First I cleaned up the kitchen from breakfast and added some leftover grilled chicken to the crock pot to make soup.
Then I made a master list of what I wanted to cook and the ingredients to buy for it.
Here's what I assembled:

Calamity Anne's Meatloaf
Beef Goulash (crock)
Teriyaki Chicken (crock)
Turkey Sloppy Joes
Cranberry Orange Chicken (crock)
Sticky Chicky (crock or bake)
Sweet and Tangy Meatballs (crock or bake)
Extra meatballs 
Cooked and shredded garlic chicken (for tacos or casseroles)
 Once I got home, the supplies went on the island and I set up a prep area. 

I had been cleaning out the freezer gradually the last week and a half so there was plenty of storage room.  The freezer meal shelf has six meals on it.
After two hours, my kitchen was clean and back in order.  
Oh!  And put the crock pot to work, too.  After the grilled chicken cooled, I shredded it and added raw chicken with garlic and onion to cook and shred for tacos.  These meals will probably last us through January. But Fridays will be a breeze and those are the hardest days of the week to cook for. I might go back to doubling up on recipes for a while to have an extra meal to freeze. 
Whatcha think?  Ever done these freezer meals in advance?


1 comment:

Michelle said...

I have made extra for freezing. But have never prepped a meal ahead of time and froze it. Don't know why I never have tried this ,it is such a great idea! My goal is now to have several of these in my freezer.