Thursday, March 11, 2010

Mr. Helpful

Bubbie helped me make this today:

 Our version of the Coca-Cola cake, made with Dr. Pepper and a little cinnamon...ummm...
 and then rigft after that he unloaded the dishwasher. 
Monday, you recall, he helped me with this project:
He was the one who removed most of the hardware so I could paint it.  As soon as I get up from here he has offered to help pull weeds in the yard. Sometimes I wonder what I would do without him.  He loves to be with his mom, so I am enjoying that as much as I can.

Unlike this person who stands at the screen door asking when dinner will be ready, or can I fix her shirt...
We could call her Miss Unhelpful, but that would be unkind.  She's wonderful in her own way... we'll just leave that for now.


The cake, too.

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