Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Big project: painting the garage

 Well, this is not a reveal.
It is, however, a stopping point as of last Wednesday.  By Thursday morning I knew I had hit a wall.  I had gotten a little over half of the garage painted, and that also involved moving things off shelves, patching holes, painting, moving things back, and cleaning/storing my tools for the day.  Its a mess out there and I still have a ways to go.  I am committed to finishing this up, but I had to take a break.  Because along with it being physically challenging, it was mentally taxing.  The weather has been perfect here for painting, though.

Along the way, I managed to purge even more stuff.  (The Habitat Restore people probably thought I was off-loading stolen goods.)  Scout also came and got the last of the things for his apartment.  When Bubbie moves it will be that much more empty!  Its going to be the culmination of almost four years of trying to manage "the stuff" and make my home reflect my own philosophy, wishes, and values.  Its been both thrilling and terrifying, satisfying and exhausting. 
 And bittersweet to say the least.
So I have to rest a bit before I go back to it...
