Friday, February 10, 2023

Like a Boss...for about a minute*

I don't have 5 things for a Friday post this week, but I do have ONE thing that I feel I handled well and I should celebrate those small wins for myself more often.
When we had the ice storm last week, I stayed home from work, rather than try to be a hero and get out on the road.  I don't feel one ounce of bad for not taking what I felt was an unacceptable risk!  Being home alone for those three days was hard.  Was I a little weirded out over my tree limbs laying across the truck, resting on the chimney, and falling into my front yard?  Yes.  But did I get out there on Saturday and using my loppers, power saw, and chain saw take care of it while three men sat in in the driveway next door, watching me?  Also yes.
I cut the limbs into manageable lengths, stacked them neatly, raked my yard, put up my tools, then went inside and made a lunch for myself.  It didn't take whiskers.
*And sometimes I think to myself, "I can handle these things".  And then Thursday happened.  But that is a story for another day...



Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

You were very wise to stay in rather than chance it on potentially slippery streets and walkways. I used to feel very guilty about staying home on such days when I was younger, but not anymore. I also have to say that I admire a woman who can wield a chainsaw. I have power tools, but a chainsaw is something I tend not to use. I have cut branches with my reciprocating saw though. I quite enjoyed that. :-)

Kim said...

Wow, I'm so impressed...those chainsaws are heavy and love your line about the whiskers! I think about that a lot. My dad passed when I was 12, I think my mom was 48 and I often think back and wonder how she did it all.