Friday, June 12, 2015

Clean and pretty patio

The backyard was in a terrible state, and truth be told, it still needs a lot of work.  But one day last week, The Girl and I went on a powerwashing frenzy and got a lot of mold, mildew, and general funk cleaned up from the patio area.   Scout helped blow the leaves and twigs out of the red rocks and move some plants around.  I bought a couple of new toss pillows and some new succulents.  It wasn't a huge makeover - mostly cleaning.  But it's so much nicer out there.
 P.S.  I've found that rocks in the potted plants discourage the squirrels.
 I'm ready for spending time out here hanging laundry, reading a book, or sipping my afternoon wine.
There's still a lot to do, like I said, but clean and pretty are a start!

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