Monday, March 12, 2012

Spring Break un-plans

In years past I have kicked off Spring Break, and any other holiday from school, with donuts.  And a plan.  
But this Spring Break, all I have are the donuts.  And a loose idea about what I would like to do this week.  I'm trying to keep it un-planned so the teenagers feel like they have more of a say in what they'd like to do.  But at the very least I want to:
*Go to Alamo Drafthouse for lunch and a movie
*Get the yards raked and some weed and feed sprinkled on
*Sew a little on that skirt
*Buy groceries, get a handle on laundry, make some yummy dinners
*Sleep in
*Visit the library and read some good books
I think Scout also wants to go see a free SXSW show.  Bubbie wants to glue himself to my iTouch.  And The Girl is all about staying out late with friends.  Firstborn and hubby will be working - no Spring Break for them, but at least mornings will be quieter and evenings more relaxed.  A far cry from the days I had activities, lunches, snacks, and rest time planned down to the T.  But that's what happens as they all slowly grow up...and out.

1 comment:

Marie said...

Have a lovely Spring Break. We will not have ours until next month.
I love going to the library, although ours is so tiny.
I bet you have a much larger selection of books to choose from. Have a great week.
: )