Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Sausage and Potato Skillet

My mom used to be able to whip up a meal in just a few minutes after a long day at work.  I did the same thing a couple nights ago and was quite proud of myself for being so frugal-minded.
I started with a pound or so of Bratwurst marked down about half price.  I bought two to go into the freezer.  I don't think I've ever even had Bratwurst - it was pretty good!
I took the casings off, cut it into small chunks and fried it up to reduce the fat.  Drained it and set it aside.
To the drippings I added diced onion and red bell pepper, a few diced potatoes.  Then I seasoned it all up.  After the potatoes were browned a bit, I stirred in the sausage chunks.
I put the lid on the skillet, reduced the heat, and cleaned up the kitchen.
I made a fresh spinach salad and we had brownies for dessert, courtesy of a family friend.  
(Thank you, Renee!)
It took just a few minutes and made the house smell good. 
Not to mention, our tummies happy!


1 comment:

KimMalk said...

This looks good, Gina. I've never gotten the hang of just "winging it", if I don't have a recipe, I'm pretty much lost--sad, but true!