Wednesday, July 20, 2011

My cute bunch - 10 years ago

Summers have been some of the best times with my kiddos - so going through old photo albums in preparation for scanning them all in to my computer, I come across some summer pics that I love.  

Summer 2001 - Volente Beach

They were 11, 9, 5, and 2.  This was at one of our favorite summer destinations: Volente Beach.  We would pack a cooler with drinks and sammies, grab our towels and sunscreen, and head out to this waterpark on Lake Travis.  Coming home, we'd swing by Wendy's for a frosty, then they would all lay on the den floor and watch a movie while I made dinner.  Makes me nostalgic for the good old days!


1 comment:

Cheri said...

Awww, I love kiddie photos. I'm with you...can't believe my boys are grown.