Friday, February 26, 2010

The easiest chicken pot pie

It smells divine, there are never leftovers and you can change it up depending on what your family likes.  You could use that leftover turkey from Thanksgiving, or a different flavor of creamed soup.  One of my versions uses spinach - the kids devour it. All depends on what's in the freezer.  Last night I made mine with a Jenni-O Turkey , cooked and chopped,  added with it's gravy to a can of cream of onion soup and frozen mixed veggies, then topped with the crust.  Baked for about an hour.  
You want to cut a couple slits in the top so it will vent.  And this time around I made my own crust (which is why it looks so "rustic"), but honestly, I think the Pillsbury ones are best.  Dig In!



Anonymous said...

I was just talking about my little chicken pot pie recipe (very similar)
to my neighbor today! Also, when I make it there are no leftovers. One of those rare things. I love easy.
: )

Rustown Mom said...

deja vue, Marie la Vie!

Anonymous said...

Ha! I am smiling!