Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The blinds that aren't getting replaced anytime soon...

It was on my list of things to do this summer....
but it never got done.

The blinds that were broken in the den had been either propped up or just allowed to lay on the window sill.  Cause that's how lazy we are...
 That is, until I had had enough and decided to just pull them down.  There was no way to make them go up on both sides anymore. They are dirty, an ugly color, and impossible for my limited skill set to fix anyway.
So I just pulled the middle ones down.  Then, I took the screens off and cleaned them and the windows, inside and out.  And now you can actually see the deck and the backyard!
They were so clean you could see - really see - through the window!  This picture is is even with the screens replaced - nice!
And the amount of light coming in to the den is great!  I am actually loving this.  Why didn't I just yank that broken blind down sooner?  If Hubby disapproves, he can get started on ordering new blinds...
Scout approved.

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