Its been a long week. I'm glad its Friday.
Last week I put a bunch of pork shoulder in my crockpot and froze at least ten meals of around 5 oz each of the most delicious pork. I seasoned it with S&P, cumin, chilies, garlic, onions. I'm going to eat it in tacos, on salads, and mixed into various other things.
I also found a can of pumpkin from the holidays and made some moist pumpkin bread. One loaf went into the freezer and the other has been slowly disappearing. I also used up the last of the chocolate chips on cookies for Bubbie and me.
Last Friday I found exactly the right size filing cabinet I was looking for at Habitat Restore - $5. They even loaded it into Brigid for me!
The one I had was just too large for my purposes. The top two drawers were mostly empty and the remaining drawers had plenty of space.
I removed all of the files, pulled the tall cabinet out, then cleaned up the area and added an extra shelf. My plan is to go through all of my files before I put them back - I'm sure I will have plenty to shred.
I will sand and seal the shelves, paint the walls, then make a space for my stepstool and "new" file cabinet to live here. I will show it when its all done!
Thrifting last week also netted me this Snoopy mug for $2. I got rid of all the kids' Christmas mugs, so now I have room for Gina mugs.
And my favorite little Goodwill now prices all of their books at $2 each so I got some new things to read. Right now I am halfway done with The Things They Carried. Its been a week of introspection and organization here at Camp Rustown. I am ready for my workweek to begin!