Monday, August 5, 2024

Monday menus #83

Cooking for just me is working out great, as I figured it would.  The boys seem unfazed by my decision.  I am still not thrilled to be cooking at all, but I can't just eat out all of the time.  Apart from the time, gas, and expense of going to get something, its hard to control the portion sizes and salt.  
So, cooking at home it is, for the most part.

Monday - kitchen closed {packing food for work}
Tuesday - Strawberry Chicken Salad {buy groceries, on call}
Wednesday - Salmon, chard, corn {yardwork, on call}
Thursday - Rudy's Beef Brisket, pinto beans, green salad (enough for a weekend meal, too)
Friday - Garlicky Shrimp and pasta with leftover chard {weekend food prep}
Saturday and Sunday - kitchen closed 



Joanne said...

That strawberry chicken salad sounds delicious! That is one of my favorite summer combinations.

tjbl said...

Can you talk about how you are losing weight? I struggle with finding a diet that I can work into my and my husband's life.


Kim said...

I always marvel at your menus. I'm so bad at planning meals and that doesn't lend itself to healthy eating. I need to improve.

Gina said...

For me, it was a matter of changing up my habits. I added in walking 4 times a week for about 40 minutes each time, all eating done before 6:30 p.m., drinking a minimum of 60 oz. water daily, and logging what I eat with the goal of lowering my salt and staying under 1400 calories. All of these things are challenging and I am just doing the best I can with no self loathing. (: My lab work recently was GREAT, so I know I'm on the right track.