Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Just weary

I know I seem to talk about it a lot lately, but I feel so weary lately.
Maybe its the schedule I work or the fact that today will be day 10 in a row at work for me - not exactly a lot of free time at either end of the workday, and super busy at work.
Maybe its the fact that chores and life go on, even if you are tired of it.  Because I really could use a break...and yes, the menfolk here do help me.  But we aren't even here much during the day, so it's not like people are hanging out making messes like they did in their younger years.
I feel especially tired today - tired of spending the morning prepping that night's meal, my lunch, cleaning up the house a bit, working at my desk, etc., etc.
Getting things in place so that when I come home, I can relax a little, too.  I could stop doing all of those things, but it seems unkind on my part to stage a revolt when we all need dinner at the end of the day - one that isn't take-out.  And a clean place to live is high on my priority list, too, no matter how endless that pursuit is.
Tired of making lists, of not getting it all done, and not having much creative time.  Weekends are short, and weekdays seem long.  And I'm starting to long for a simpler life, tho I know I will miss the days of caring for a family.  You can't have it both ways, I know.
I feel like Ted in this photo.  Just weary today, no help for it.  
And I'm pretty sure the bed is never going to get made.

1 comment:

Simply LKJ said...

I am weary just reading your post sweet friend. Give yourself some grace ;-)