Friday, September 1, 2017

Lisa's Chocolate Cake

There is a co-worker of mine who makes a crazy good chocolate cake and brings it into work.  One day last week, she and another nurse invited me to sit and enjoy a piece of it and chat.  It was a delightful break in an otherwise stressful workweek. 
Any chance you would share that chocolate cake recipe with me?

"Sure, it's a simple recipe. 
one box chocolate cake mix
one small box instant pudding mix (I use chocolate, but could do other flavor)
one cup oil
3 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla
1 cup coke/dr pepper, diet coke, whatever you have on hand

Mix all ingredients except coke until blended, then slowly add the coke to the batter.  Beat 2 -3 min. on medium speed, then stir in half a bag of mini marshmallows.  (I add these about half the time, turns out fine without them).
Recipe says to bake for 25 min at 350, but I usually go 30-35 because it just doesn't look done to me at 25 min.
For the icing, melt a stick of butter, add about half to 3/4 of bag powdered sugar, dump in some cocoa, maybe 1/3 C. or so, and a bit of coke or whatever* (about 4 T. or so) with a dash of vanilla to make a nice consistency.   If it gets stiff, can turn the heat back on and mix but don't get too hot or it'll be more like fudge.  Pour on hot cake. (*I used hot coffee)
that's it."
So I made one this morning for my peeps to enjoy after dinner tonight - and I just had taste test it.  Except for adding a Coke Vanilla to the batter and some hot coffee to my icing, it tasted just like hers.  I could add a little more chocolate to the icing next time - and I'm sure there will be a next time!
Happy September, everyone!


1 comment:

RachelD said...

Oh, Gina, that chocolate cake with that gently-gleaming icing on top! What a lovely reminder of one of our favorites. I'm a "whatever is left in the coffeepot" or a little sprink of instant Folgers to enhance the chocolate.

Dropping in from Miss BJ's blog to say Good Morning and that I'm going to be coming back to enjoy your lovely archives. Isn't she just a WONDER, and I'm so glad to see her still up and running.

her friend,

Marthy Tidwell (racheld of LAWN TEA)