Friday, September 8, 2017

5 thing Friday - tires, cereal, leftovers, pie, plants

Seems like most of my posts lately involve some sort of food...but occasionally, there are other things in my life...
I sent Hubby this photo I found on Pinterest for an idea on maybe how to use the eleventy billion tires left on the property.  There is a very steep slope or two that could benefit from steps like these.  And we already have a mountain of gravel, too.  Sometimes when I think of all the things we need to get going on out there, I feel overwhelmed.  And you always think there's plenty of time, then boom!
Although the boys/men are back to eating me out of house and home, they've been fairly picky about breakfast, which is fine, because they are adults and I don't have to exhort them to eat in the mornings.  They aren't fans of cereal anymore, so I estimate it will take me a couple of months to eat enough cereal and decide I am sick of it and toss it!  But one of my goals is to stop skipping breakfast.
However, the leftovers situation has improved.  I am making smaller meals and working the leftovers into lunch the next day, or the next.  Still, our grocery bills hits $150 every week, including various cleaning items.  I guess the upside to that is that we are eating more fresh things, less canned or frozen.
I made a Hurricane Harvey Peach Pie.  There was a big can of peaches in the pantry from a boy scout campout of many moons ago.  I thawed two of my freezer pie crusts and made a filling of peaches, sugar, cornstarch, ginger, and cinnamon, dotted with butter.  Then brushed the top with beaten egg and sugar and wah-la.  Peach pie.  It was delightful!  If I fold and roll the crusts a couple of times before placing them in the dish, they are flakier.
I have a really black thumb when it comes to succulents, but I do try.  This one seems to be doing OK in my kitchen window - I moved it there to survive the rainy weather and I just have not moved it back.  I kind of want to put some mums in the window for fall, but keep the decor down to a minimum overall.  And I'm ready for cooler weather!


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