Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Wednesday menus #14 and Texas forever

Texas is my forever home.  
I wouldn't consider myself a country girl by any stretch of the imagination, but wide open spaces make my heart happy.
 You don't really want to go rolling around in them... they're most likely full of fire ants. Just admire them!

Wednesday - One Pot Chicken Enchilada Pasta, salad
Thursday - Homestyle baked beans with mesquite smoked brisket sausage, zucchini
Friday - Pizza Meatloaf, mini baked red potatoes, peas and carrots
Saturday - Dad grills
Sunday - Turkey Breast in crockpot, masheds, freezer veggie
Monday - Beef taco Rio Salads
Tuesday - Pork Roast Quesadillas, guacacmole
Dessert this week:  Berry Crunch Squares

 This is the bar at Saddlehorn, looking into the tank room.  I sat and decompressed on a Friday afternoon recently.
 And this is the view from the north patio, right... left.  Big open spaces, so much sky. 


1 comment:

The Happy Whisk said...

You had me at, Berry Crunch Squares.