Monday, November 14, 2016

What the week holds, and turkey plans

As of the writing of this post, I am scheduled to work Thanksgiving Day.  But I sent out an email offering to switch days with someone if they wanted a day off they might not otherwise be able to use.  We'll see how it goes.
 Meanwhile, I can hardly believe that Thanksgiving is next week!  
So here is the menu:

Turkey and dressing
Gravy, and Cranberry Sauce
Green Bean Casserole
Baked Sweet Potatoes with Bacon
Pecan Pie
Gingersnap Pumpkin Pie
Crispix Mix for Snackin'
Wine, tea, cocoa

The day after Thanksgiving we generally put up the Christmas tree and eat BBQ.  All of my peeps will be home, and Hubby is taking extra time off, so maybe we will also go out to the Burnet property to kick around.  Thus week I'm on call, see the PT, take an ornament display craft class at Home Depot (fun!), and mail out my Thanksgiving cards.  Not too terribly busy, and other than that, I will be getting the house clean and food bought.  What does your week look like?


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