Friday, November 18, 2016

A fun use for those eleventy billion corks

I pulled out my huge vase of corks to use them, finally!  I had pinned several ideas of things to make with them, but nothing really jazzed me until I saw how a winery used them - as decoration in potted plants.
I poured them into the potted plants out back - they will help keep the potting material from drying out while adding some whimsy and beauty.  I love using natural materials like cork - if they weren't real cork, I didn't keep them. I'm hoping the squirrels won't find them appetizing - Mr. Owl is standing guard.

As chance would have it, we are enjoying happy hour at Torr Na Lochs today after we work on filling up the trash dumpster at Highlands. 



Simply LKJ said...

Love this idea!

bj said...

what a great idea....gonna steal it....:)