Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Fruited Chicken Salad

I came across a recipe I wanted to try for an easy summer meal - no oven required.  I already had most of the ingredients, so I subbed out a couple and came up with my own version.  Go here for the original recipe - this lady has all kinds of good cooking going on her blog!

Fruited Chicken Salad
3-4 cups cooked diced chicken (I used a mix of canned, with rotisserie from my freezer)
1 c. celery, chopped
1 small apple, chopped (I used Gala)
1/2 c. dried cranberries and 1/2 c. dried blueberries
1 t dried thyme
1 t dried dill
1 t. lemon pepper seasoning
1 c. olive oil mayo

This recipe used up some dibs and dabs of things I needed to use up, including some chicken from the freezer and the rest of a bag of craisins.  I could also have added pecans or slivered almonds.
 You could adjust these seasonings to make this salad your own - I left out the poultry seasoning that was in the original, in favor of just thyme and dill.  But to make it even easier, I could have used some of my homemade ranch mix from the fridge.  And if I'd lemony mayo on hand, I could have skipped the lemon pepper, however, we do love lemon pepper around here!
  Chop everything and add to  a large bowl; add to that the seasonings
Give it a toss to make sure the fruit or chicken isn't in a clump.  Then stir in the mayo thoroughly, cover, and chill.
I set mine out with a loaf of bread and some grapes. It made for a great summer dinner and one I will make again.  
