While waiting for the troop to come off the trail in Philmont we did a bit of exploring on our own. First stop: Taos.
Taos from Angel Fire is a winding road through the mountains on narrow highways that are very much like a roller coaster! FYI: roller coasters terrify me.
It makes Hubby a little crazy when I grip the dashboard and say "oh!" like I do...I'm a bit of a Nervous Nellie as a passenger, I'll admit.
We went to a market square in town and spent time bopping around looking at local crafts. We bought some souvenirs, including another patch for Hubby's cook apron, some Taos incense, and some green chiles. There were shops with pottery, turquoise, and leather items. Lots of beautiful handmade crafts.
Then we stopped by a Mexican restaurant off the square and enjoyed some stuffed jalapenos, and chilies relleno.
We drove around Taos a bit, but we
didn't stay long enough to see the Taos Pueblo. However, we did go to
the visitor center and watch an historical movie and learn about the
history of the art scene in Taos. Back in Angel Fire we bought some scallops, fresh veggies, and ramen to make a stir fry for dinner. Next stop: the Vietnam Memorial and Eagle's Nest.
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