Friday, September 2, 2016

5 thing Friday - ageing ungracefully, bracelet, wine times, marching band, tray

Recently I had a killer bout of gastritis.  Long story short:  I had taken too much Motrin for elbow and back pain, gave myself an ulcer, then made it worse by eating some of my favorite things:
Salsa on my home fries with an egg, and buttered English muffin, black coffee.  Delightful!  However, coffee can irritate your tummy, and so can spicy foods.  And maybe I need to baby my old lady tummy a bit more.  Three prescriptions and a couple of weeks later, I am feeling better.  It's terrible to be reminded that you have to take care of yourself a little differently as you age.
Lesson learned, and I am trying to love the mom I see:  gray hair and all.  I sent my daughter a selfie just before a job interview about a month ago.
I bought a bracelet from this company.  I love the way they have marketed their jewelry and the ease of pulling on and off an elastic bracelet of beautiful beads and bobs. My blog isn't monetized, but if it ever is, I would happily promote them. They have some beautiful stuff!
The next Wine Sunday is fast approaching - Sept. 25th at Driftwood, and this time, The Girl is our guest. Pictured above is a scene from visiting Fall Creek Vineyards - Firstborn was happy to be there, promise.
Let the Tango-ing commence!  Marching season is in full swing by now, but this is a pic of the band "show-off" we were treated to just before school started.  They sound great!  Can't wait to see the rest of the show as they learn it.
I bought a $13 tray from Tarjay to help Hubby with the loads of stuff he collects on the closet shelf. The remainder fits on this one tray, and it wont get lost under a sea of hanging shirts like the other two did.


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