Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Mabel's White Wine Camping Sangria

The Girl and I experimented a little with white wine sangria a couple weeks ago.  It was delightful, so I packed enough goods to make it while we were on vacay. 
It started with Deep Eddy Lemon vodka, a vino verde, and some fruit.
 I sliced limes, white nectarine, and grapes and added them to a quart size mason jar:
 The more fruit you have, the better, because the fruit will be the base, and you can always refreshen the sangria with more liquid. Plus, the fruit absorbs a lot of flavor and is great to eat after the drink is done.
 I poured in a good cup or so of vodka, filled the rest of the jar with wine, and left it chilling in Mabel's little fridge. Then, when ready to drink, I  poured about 3/4 of a glass of it into wine glasses, and topped with Fresca.  I spooned some fruit, too.  
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Tutorial Tuesday at Hope Studios

1 comment:

bj said...

this sure sounds delightful...