Friday, July 22, 2016

Another fig season come and gone...

Although my Charlie Brown fig tree did so much better this year with all the rain we had, it still struggled this past two weeks with scant rain and lots of sunny days.  Too much sun.  Like face of the sun scorching.
 I got about two colanders worth of figs in all before the birds and squirrels descended upon it.  I think this variety is originally from Syria - a honey fig.
 I boiled down the fruit, then added some pectin, sugar, water, and sliced limes.
 The result was more like preserves than jam because it was so chunky!  Really delish with almond butter and thick bread.  I let the jars self-seal by inversion, then stored them in the fridge.
On a sedate English muffin and cream cheese it was also divine!  Two quart jars and one small pint is about all the jam we get for now. 


1 comment:

bj said...

O, I do love fresh figs...we visited the LBJ Library one summer and there was a HUGE fig tree out front...the guard told every one to help them selves to a few. we stood there and ate 2 or 3 and they were so good, I'll never forget the taste. My mom tried to raise a fig tree but it's too hot and dry out here....and to buy figs in the supermarket is like buying cardboard...NO please enjoy one of those fresh figs, right off your tree (you don't even have to wash it:) just for me. xoxo