Friday, March 18, 2016

5 thing Friday - Brenham, humor, heels, Spring, giving the lists a break

 Reflections more than anything, really.
 I've been making good on my resolution to visit my mother more often.
  She was happy, really.  I take her to do shopping errands, do smallish projects and cleaning around her house.  In exchange she gives me eggs and spends one-on-one time with me. So all of that is good.
Brenham is a nice little town - probably the perfect spot for her, as she is a big fan of Bluebell ice cream! 
 Using up little pieces of aida cloth
with snarky humor.
I am making peace with the limitations of my knee, but I refuse to give up feeling pretty. On a recent rainy day, I braved wet ramps and sidewalks to wear heels to a Happy Hour at Roaring Fork.  Go, mom!
Spring is here!
This week I have given the To Do lists a break. I don't get everything done, there's always next week.


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