Friday, October 9, 2015

5 thing Friday - Getaway, stitching, mums, furniture, walking plans

Hubby and I spent some time in Dripping Springs with Mabel. 
 We have her pretty much ready, we just hook up and hit the trail.  We stayed at a very rinky-dink trailer park, visited a winery, bought steaks and salmon to cook on the camp stove, and just generally chilled.  It was fab.  On the way home we stopped here for live jazz, brunch, and $2.50 Bloody Mary's.  Lots of food all weekend!
 I'm not cross stitching as much lately as I would like to.  But I will catch up.
 I found some very cute decorated clothespins that I will use to mount my creations with. I have a lot of scrap wood in the garage that will be put to good use, too. 
It's just not Fall without mums.  I found some $4 ones at Wal-Mart and put them into terracotta pots at the front door.  I didn't add dirt, didn't put moss around the edges, just PLOP.  Done.  They seem to be thriving!
 A long overdue carpet cleaning and repair in our bedroom led to this mess, as I had to empty the room of furniture.  Some it migrated to the front room, too:
However, I did get all of the drawers purged and reorganized, and all of it got cleaned.  Plus, I decided I could live without the giant twin mirrors on my dresser.  It makes the room look less cluttered and slightly bigger.  

Hubby and I saw The Martian at Alamo Drafthouse to cap off our weekend of fun.  We had 512 Pecan Porter on tap, and a couple of small pizzas.  Mine had carmelized onions and mushrooms...YUM.  Then on Monday night we went to Perry's Steak House for the best pork chop I have ever had.  Ever.  And now, dear readers, it's time for me to diet.  I also have to get walking as Turkey Trot is just a few weeks away.



Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Hi Gina, busy times for you. Love the mums...great bargain there. It's a good feeling to purge. I will do some when it gets colder
We saw the Martian too. Enjoy the weekend.

Lauren @ My Wonderfully Made said...

Oh my! So much fun packed into a weekend! Isn't it funny how one cleaning task seems to lead to another and another.....