Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Easter afternoon

Here's the hodge podge of what happens when most of your peeps don't want to pose for photos...you get pictures of food, in with a few people who cooperate.
 "I AM smiling!"
What would a holiday meal be like without a bit of fancy?
Nice polo.
 Colored boiled eggs make pretty Spring-y deviled eggs!  Heavenly.
 We might have eaten a few too many.
 There were other things to eat. too...but the asparagus looked especially appetizing!
It was a good day, for the most part.  I wish my kids were little sometimes.  They were more agreeable about pictures, and church, and so forth.  A little more excited about E.Bunny.  A little more friendly, less teenager-y.  But families change over time, right? 
Change is inevitable, struggle is optional. 

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