Monday, May 27, 2013

Mealplan Monday #62 and my band kid

 In just a few days Bubbie will leave middle school forever.
He will play the marching band version of euphonium - baritone.  The first day he got it, he came home and immediately started polishing it up and practicing it.

Monday - Dad grill for Memorial Day
Tuesday - Mole Enchiladas, black beans, salad 
Wednesday - Stir fry, ramen
Thursday - Crispy Cheddar Chicken, rice, brussels sprouts
Friday - Pizza Night - mom no cook!
Saturday - Turkey Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, baby limas
Sunday - Pork and Pasta Bake, salad
Dessert this week is Peanut Butter Texas Sheet Cake

Onward, to high school.


Friday, May 24, 2013

Homemade seasoning blends

I love buying different spices and seasoning blends - some favorites of ours are Cavendar's Greek and Salzanador Total.  But I could just as easily whip up custom spices of my own, and I do when I have just a small amount left in the spice jar and want to use it up.  I've been saving the caps from the empty parmesan container to screw onto a mason jar just for that purpose:
Aren't my labels fancy-dancy?  Imperfectly perfect.
They live in the spice cabinet next to the cooktop and I use the super pepper seasoning on everything.  I couldn't tell you exactly what all is in it - dabs of this and that.  But mostly salt, pepper, and garlic powder.
The taco seasoning is adapted from recipes I see on various blogs - when you are making your own seasoning mix, you tweek it to adapt to your taste, which is what I did:

Taco Seasoning 
1 1/2 T sea salt
2 T black pepper
6 T chili powder
4 T ground cumin
4 t. paprika
2 t garlic powder
2 t. onion powder
2 t. red pepper flakes
1/2 t. Italian seasoning
2 t. sugar

It smells wonderful - can't wait to use it in ground turkey for taco salads this summer!


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Monday, May 20, 2013

Mealplan Monday #61 for lucky me

Mother's Day was over a week ago, but as a sussie I ordered myself a fun new pair of shoes:
 They're so me!

Monday - Slow-Cooker Cheesy Chicken and Potatoes, carrots
Tuesday - Beef Chilaquiles, salad
Wednesday - Salmon, asparagus, whole wheat pasta with garlic
Thursday - Easy Tomato Baked Chicken, mashed potatoes, corn
Friday - Italian drip beef sammies, chips
Saturday - Dad grill
Sunday - Dr. Martin's Mix (with brown rice)

When I got home last Sunday I found roses, a chocolate cake, tequila, and some spicy sauces. Then on Monday, Scout brought home some grape jelly and scone mix he made in Foods class.
Sometimes I feel lucky  (:


Monday, May 13, 2013

Mealplan Monday #60 with a photo bookmark

I made a *free* bookmark with tiny proofs from The Girl's sorority photos.  
I couldn't throw them away!
 I carefully cut out the tiny pics, glued them in a row, then "laminated" them with clear packing tape.  On the back of the bookmark is this quote:
"And thou shall in thy daughter see, this picture once, resembled thee"
A. Phillips

Monday - Burritos, Spanish rice
Tuesday - Cavatelli with sausage and broccoli rabe, garlic toast
Wednesday - Tilapia tacos, black beans, guacamole and chips
Thursday - Crock pot Ribs, mashed potatoes, green beans
Friday - Fully-cooked burgers from HEB, chips (Boys go camping)
Sunday - Spagetti we never ate last week, salad
Dessert this week: Leftover Mother's Day fudge bundt cake

I found a pic of myself when I was about the same age.  But I think she looks just like her Dad.


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Friday, May 10, 2013

One out, one in

Thank goodness for a generous donation of things for my kiddos who are *trying* to leave the nest.
A mattress and box springs for The Girl's use, barstools for Firrstborn,
a small Baker's style rack for DVDs and such, two antique kitchen chairs with pads,
and an antique kitchen table for Firstborn's new apartment kitchen.
 Plus a crap ton of boxes to pack his things in.  Once he got his key, he couldn't wait to go -  I can't say I blame him.  I remember what that feeling of freedom and independence felt like.
This was the state of his room after he had taken most of what he wanted to take!
As of yesterday, this is the state of what is left: donations (old toys, and such), mementos and treasures, personal files, and a chair he no longer wants.  The room has gone thru a thorough cleaning and freshening and made livable for The Girl who arrives in T minus 1 week for the summer.


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Peachy Salsa Chicken

I find good recipes in the oddest of places sometimes - this one came from a Wal-mart flyer. Weird, huh?  But it was spicy-sweet delicious and everyone enjoyed it!

Peachy Salsa Chicken

1 package yellow rice
1 packet taco seasoning mix*
5 chicken breasts, cut in half
1 can diced tomatoes
1/2 c. peach preserves
2 T. oil

Place the seasoning mix in a plastic bag; add chicken and shake to coat.  Heat oil in skillet and saute chicken on both sides until lightly browned. 

 Mix the tomatoes and the peach preserves, then pour over the chicken. 
 Cover and reduce heat to low for 20-30 minutes while you prepare the rice.
  Serve the chicken on top of the rice with a salad on the side.
 We loved jalapenos on ours, too.
*I made my own taco seasoning with chili powder, garlic powder, cumin, salt, pepper, and a smidge of Italian seasoning.  You could also add paprika, lemon pepper, and sugar.  Yum - I'm having the leftovers for my lunch today.


Monday, May 6, 2013

Mealplan Monday #59 and a hungry cat

"Here I am in the kitchen, for no good reason..."
 "Wait. What was that sound?"
Monday - Freezer Leftovers - what's IN there?
Tuesday - Peachy Salsa Chicken, yellow rice, black beans
Wednesday - Mom and Dad out, take #2
Thursday - Maple Glazed Salmon, fresh veggie
Friday - Whole wheat spaghetti and meat sauce, salad
Saturday - Dad Grill
Sunday - Slow Cooker Pulled Pork sammies, chips
Dessert will be Sopapilla Cheesecake
 She was actually waiting for food to magically appear
 but the smells and sounds of Spring distracted her.
Which is good, because the constant meowing for food is wearing me out.