Friday, May 10, 2013

One out, one in

Thank goodness for a generous donation of things for my kiddos who are *trying* to leave the nest.
A mattress and box springs for The Girl's use, barstools for Firrstborn,
a small Baker's style rack for DVDs and such, two antique kitchen chairs with pads,
and an antique kitchen table for Firstborn's new apartment kitchen.
 Plus a crap ton of boxes to pack his things in.  Once he got his key, he couldn't wait to go -  I can't say I blame him.  I remember what that feeling of freedom and independence felt like.
This was the state of his room after he had taken most of what he wanted to take!
As of yesterday, this is the state of what is left: donations (old toys, and such), mementos and treasures, personal files, and a chair he no longer wants.  The room has gone thru a thorough cleaning and freshening and made livable for The Girl who arrives in T minus 1 week for the summer.


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