Just a simple plan for Easter, really...
A little differently played out this year... The boys and I will sleep in on Good Friday, see a movie, have a fun lunch. The Girl will be home, but I work all weekend. Kind of sad about that, but she will be able to spend time with Dad and brothers. I put together E. Bunny sussies; can't break with tradition there! I will miss going to church with all of them on Sunday, but it can't be helped, and I will keep Easter in my heart the whole day. It will go fast, as weekends always do....it seems like the year is slipping by quickly, on the whole. And Monday will be here before we know it.
For I remember it is Easter morn,
And life and love and peace are all new born. ~Alice Freeman Palmer
And life and love and peace are all new born. ~Alice Freeman Palmer
Happy Easter, everyone!