Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Denim baskets

I love those cute crochet baskets from IKEA and Target - usually over in the bath towel/bathroom organizing section.  They always seemed a little pricey to me - I kept waiting for the Target ones to get cheaper, but someone snatched them up the first time they were marked down.  Oh well, I will make some similar to Pam's at Threading My Way. 
Here is the top drawer in Bubbie's dresser aka his "junk drawer".
It's not that it's in bad shape, but a few cute little denim baskets would be fun. The cigar box stays, as that's currently where he is stashing his allowance savings.  Uh, and that bacon popcorn needs to go back into the kitchen, Bubbie.
I have these denim "legs" that were cut off of The Girls' jeans a couple summers ago.  I thought I might make potholders with them, but never got around to it.
 I sewed the bottom, right sides together, then tacked a small triangle from the bottom corners in place on the sides.
Then I rolled down the top and ironed it with a little spray starch.
Now the "basket' has a rectangular shape on the bottom, where I added in a piece of foam-backed cork I had leftover from another project.
A perfect fit.  And it's sturdier than flimsy cardboard.

 The cork also provides stability and covers the seam without me having to make a lining.  Aren't those a cute little group of denim baskets?
 Now to organize all the little piles of "junk".
When Bubbie came home from school he really liked them - I might have to fish around for more pants legs to make a few more.


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Anonymous said...

I love these, very creative!

Jenna said...

Too cute!

Jenna @