Monday, December 31, 2012

Mealplan Monday #41 and Happy Birthday, Bubbie!

Wow.41 meal plans later.
It was a year full of cooking for sure.  Maybe I will figure out a way to get all of those plans on a rotating schedule for when I just cannot think of what to cook.  Or don't want to think that hard. 
 Either way.
This was Bubbie's birthday cake on Christmas night - red velvet cake with Cool Whip Frosting, French vanilla pirouette cookies, was weirdly wonderful.  

Monday - Fire-roasted Tomato Beef, rice, lima beans
Tuesday - Swedish Ham Balls, skillet cabbage, black-eyed peas, bubbly
Wednesday - Broccoli/chicken pot pie with homemade pie crust 
Thursday - Crockpot Country Veggies with Smoked Sausage, cornbread
Friday - Freezer pizza, salad
Saturday - Dad grills
Sunday - Leftover Chicken Tortilla soup, chips and queso.


We love you, Grayson Reed!


Friday, December 28, 2012

Post-Christmas candy

One of the only traditions my kids have with their grandma is candy making at Christmastime. 




I think cooking candy teaches them patience.  Sugar has to be the right temp and worked a certain way to make candy.  It's not like the cooking they do on campouts or at home with me.


Wonder how long all of this will last in my house?


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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas 2012

The last couple of days went by so fast.  Since I worked Friday through Sunday, it seemed like Christmas was suddenly HERE.  Glad I got so much done in advance.  It gave me (and Hubby) time to just hang out, enjoying the warmth of our own home, full of our kids and good food.  He goes back to work today after a week and a half off.  I will miss having him around, but the boys have another week and a half of break, so there will be lunches and movies out, and they want to spend their Christmas gift cards.
post Christmas-gift-opening mayhem!

We had a great Christmas and feel so blessed.  We saw the Trail of Lights, a special Christmas Eve church service, played games, watched movies, and celebrated Bubbie's birthday.  The house was pretty and cozy, with great things to eat.  It will be bittersweet when December ends, but I am so looking forward to what the New Year brings!


Monday, December 24, 2012

Mealplan Monday #40 with Christmas cookies

These are the cookies I made for giving this year:
 Gingersnaps - fresh from the oven.

Gumdrop Cookies from Angie at Echoes of laughter. 

 Cranberry Oatmeal Bars - a family favorite.

 Russian Teacakes 

Monday - Chicken tortilla soup for dinner, assorted appetizers throughout the afternoon
Tuesday - Pulled pork tacos for lunch, Ham with the fixing's for dinner
Wednesday - Pumpkin Ziti (keep meaning to make this again!), garlic toast - grocery shopping day
Thursday - BBQ Sloppy Joes, tater tots
Friday - Crock pot beans with ham bone, corn muffins
Saturday - Dad grill
Sunday - Freezer meal, salad

A plate of cookies ready to be delivered to Hubby's office.
I might be persuaded to bake just a few more...for Santa. 


Saturday, December 22, 2012

My magazine "tree"

A different version of the little magazine tree  - I used to make these as a kid.
The best magazine for it is a Reader's Digest.
I used a clip to hold the pages together that I had already folded.  
(Go here for a real tutorial.)
I think it took me about 30-45 minutes.

I really love my little tree.  After Christmas it might go live in the bookcase.
For now it sits on the mantle with the little trees I am collecting.
a recycled thing of beauty, no?


Friday, December 21, 2012

Un-tacky homemades and a nice visit

I stopped by my mother's house on Tuesday after lunch in Brenham with a friend.

I brought her a gift: new pajamas with some homemade cookies, Crispix Mix, and a new leash for her dog, Gus, all packaged in a wicker basket.
I think she liked all of it!
 She made herself a quick lunch and sat down to visit.
 ...and enjoyed a fried Spam sandwich.  Not even kidding, that's what she ate.  Well, whatever bites she didn't feed to Gus. 
On her beautiful kitchen tablecloth, hand embroidered and with crocheted lace, sat this re-purposed ICBINB container made into a napkin holder.  A study in opposites, my mother and me.
And my gift from her was a beautiful handmade dresser doily with crocheted lace.  It's so detailed that Hubby thought it was machine made.  Nope.
 So lovely!  Can you believe she calls these "tacky homemades"?  


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Christmas cards 2012

When the kids were little it seemed easier to get a pretty pic for Christmas. But the last couple of years I have relaxed the standards a bit.  Wouldn't do to have everyone dread this one small task that adds so much to our family card.  Here is what we got this year:
The color seems off, but I was determined to just get thee cards ordered so I didn't obsess over that.  I think it turned out well - all of us were looking at the camera, with a smile, no one making silly hand gestures, and no tee shirts with questionable logos.  
Go, us.
