Friday, February 26, 2010

The easiest chicken pot pie

It smells divine, there are never leftovers and you can change it up depending on what your family likes.  You could use that leftover turkey from Thanksgiving, or a different flavor of creamed soup.  One of my versions uses spinach - the kids devour it. All depends on what's in the freezer.  Last night I made mine with a Jenni-O Turkey , cooked and chopped,  added with it's gravy to a can of cream of onion soup and frozen mixed veggies, then topped with the crust.  Baked for about an hour.  
You want to cut a couple slits in the top so it will vent.  And this time around I made my own crust (which is why it looks so "rustic"), but honestly, I think the Pillsbury ones are best.  Dig In!


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Snow Day 2010!

I wish Scout and Bubbie were home from school to see their silly sister do a snow dance to summon the flakes.
 And I guess it worked.
It made the house and neighborhood  look so pretty.

Stay warm!


Monday, February 22, 2010

Just like a little brother

 Bubbie really loves his siblings.  I think that sometimes, he really likes being the youngest, too. He never expresses frustration at being the baby.
It comes in handy as he's tagging along, going from sibling to sibling, wanting to see what they are up to.  "Whatcha doin' brother? Can I watch?"
Of course, he doesn't just watch, he has lots of opinions!  And they let him.  And hardly ever tell him to bug off.  Is is because he's small? Cute?  Interested in what they're into? Is it because he looks up to them?  Because they like teaching him something?
I don't really know.
It's just nice to see them interact in a positive way.  
And I love that he has so many people to follow.  And that they all love him.


Saturday, February 13, 2010

Shallow depth of field

Here's what I was able to do this afternoon in fading light.  Not great. 
But not least I completed the assignment!  
It's a start, so don't judge harshly. 
Besides, it has a certain beauty to it, even in the dead of winter....

Photos #5 and 6

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My basketball girl 2010

you did your best - always
you never gave in to disappointment
never stopped for pain
your teammates saw you as a true leader
perseverance, courage, determination, love;
you poured it all into the game
and we, your family, are so very honored to have
been able to watch you.


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Her letter jacket is ready to wear!

The title of the post could also be "Oh, my aching fingers".

 I called around to see how much to sew patches on - $15 each. So, I tried to do it myself on my own machine - broke a few needles.  This morning I resolved to get 'er done - and after 2 hours, a pair of pliers, and two broken needles later - success!  Basically I just basted them on, but they are fairly secure.   
Proud of you, Coco!
