Friday, December 8, 2017

A Christmas tree full of sentiment

The Girl helped me put up the Kid's Tree, too.
That tree has is almost 50 years old. It lived in my MIL's attic for several years until she gifted it to us.  Many Christmas seasons have been celebrated around this tree.  When its decorated with all the kid ornaments from over 28 years, it is a thing of beauty.
I bought a new tree skirt for it this year from Michael's.  I love the red pom poms on it.  As we were decorating it, I told The Girl that these are the final collection of ornaments we were putting on it, because it was already almost too full, and all of you kids have aged out of kid tree ornaments.
Her:  Well, how many ornaments per kid, mom?  
Me:  I bought one for each of you until you turned 20.  
Her:  And how old is Bubbie?  
Me:  He will be 19 this Christmas.
Her:  So, you have two more to buy mom.
Me:  Oops.  
So the above little red truck is for this year! 
 Last year was an eagle and flag - to celebrate his finishing up on his Eagle Scout requirements.
 The red moon and star was from his first Christmas, 1998.  
He arrived Christmas afternoon!
 Two moose making mores over a campfire - he was 11 and loving camping.
And some glittery reindeer from 2015.  

I guess there will be one more Christmas ornament for him next year, too.  
And I'm really loving this tree and all of it's special memories.


1 comment:

Kim said...

The tree is lovely. We too have an old one, not quite 50 though. We love it, it's not prelit, we have to assemble and fluff it, but it is a thing of beauty. Love the skirt, too...I need a new one.