Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Art exchange

One of the ladies I work with makes some beautiful art with acrylics on canvas.  I commissioned her to make a couple of them for Dutch and she such a great job!  You may not be able to tell from the photo, but there are streaks of copper in there, along with iridescent blue, some turquoise, and that fresh green.  There are a set of two 11x14's, and two smaller 8x8's.  I think Dutch will love making a collage of them on her walls, maybe along with some of her own photography!
 I can't wait to see what she thinks of them - they are stunning in person.
As a thank you for doing that during such a busy time of the month, I finally finished stitching a little something for my artsy friend.  {The real Corgi is in the background giving her approval} Only a few days left to go until Christmas, and I am almost ready.  Time to put stitching aside and get to making cookies!


Monday, December 18, 2017

Mealplan Monday #172 and #173

Last week was a success in terms of clearing out the freezer!  I made several creative meals and there is space in there now to grocery shop like I mean it.  I've got two weeks worth of shopping to do, so here are two weeks of menus. On to the holidaying!

- The Dad Favorite: Hamburger Patties, mashed potatoes, ranch beans
Tuesday - Sammie Night - maybe Cranberry Pecan Turkey Salad on Sourdough
Wednesday - Pizza takeout
Thursday - Crockpot Chicken, dressing, butternut squash
Friday - Bacon Quiche, skillet hash browns, fruit
Saturday - Brisket, coleslaw, jalapeno corn casserole
Sunday - Tamale Dinner (tamales, crockpot pintos, salad, queso, salsa, and chips
Monday - Breakfast is Maple Sausage & Waffle Casserole, Lunch will be appetizers and drinks.
Dinner is Spiral sliced Ham, Creamy Broccoli and Cauliflower, glazed carrots, and rolls.  We will have a Buche de Noel for birthday cake for Bubbie, and all enjoy a special wine
Tuesday - Cowboy Chicken in the crockpot, tortillas
Wednesday - Unstuffed Pepper Casserole (so good!), salad
Thursday - Leftovers!
Friday - Pork Chops, sweet potatoes, salad
Saturday and Sunday are TBD

Friday, December 15, 2017

5 thing Friday - weekend fun, Burnet lights, unkillable potted plant, game table, stitching

The weekends have become a happy jumble of going and doing.  Last Saturday we picked up our wine club wine from Bell Springs at lunchtime while listening to live acoustic guitar and eating wood fired pulled pork pizza topped with fresh arugula and a caprese salad.
You can barely see her, but she's there, singing her heart out.  Incidentally, they weren't busy at all for a pick-up and it was gorgeous weather!
From there we traveled northeast to Perissos for Sip and Stroll - live music there, too, which was great.  And check out this wine bottle tree!  We had some delicious dessert treats there.

Then, because we love the sunsets and the longhorns, we went to Torr Na Loch.  I know you can't tell it from the first photo above, but it was a momma longhorn with her baby skipping along behind.  So cute! 
 We enjoyed a seasonal appetizer plate, some Dolcetto, and many compliments on Hubby's Santa attire.
Santa Mac.
The owner's dogs are so sweet - this one decided to nap at our feet.  In my next life, I'd like to come back as a winery dog!
After that, we decided to make a trip into Burnet to check out the holiday festivities.
Lots of lights, lots of local crafts.  Kinda nippy outside, and just perfect.
We didn't get to stroll though Little Bethlehem - way too many people waiting in line. We ended up at Highlands after a long day and enjoyed some shrimp stir fry and card playing.
My kolanchoe died.  So I washed out the pot and shoved some fake greenery in there.  Tied it with a red ribbon.  I'm no genius, but I think I can keep this plant alive.
I hauled in a table from the back patio, cleaned it up, added a tablecloth, a puzzle, and some card games.  Then I stashed one of those $5 popcorn tins underneath it with three plastic bowls.  Instant game table in front of the tree.  It's cozy in here - we should hang out here more.
Being under the time gun with gifts propels me thru finishing up on things, like stitching a gift for a co-worker.  Christmas will be here before you know it!


Friday, December 8, 2017

A Christmas tree full of sentiment

The Girl helped me put up the Kid's Tree, too.
That tree has is almost 50 years old. It lived in my MIL's attic for several years until she gifted it to us.  Many Christmas seasons have been celebrated around this tree.  When its decorated with all the kid ornaments from over 28 years, it is a thing of beauty.
I bought a new tree skirt for it this year from Michael's.  I love the red pom poms on it.  As we were decorating it, I told The Girl that these are the final collection of ornaments we were putting on it, because it was already almost too full, and all of you kids have aged out of kid tree ornaments.
Her:  Well, how many ornaments per kid, mom?  
Me:  I bought one for each of you until you turned 20.  
Her:  And how old is Bubbie?  
Me:  He will be 19 this Christmas.
Her:  So, you have two more to buy mom.
Me:  Oops.  
So the above little red truck is for this year! 
 Last year was an eagle and flag - to celebrate his finishing up on his Eagle Scout requirements.
 The red moon and star was from his first Christmas, 1998.  
He arrived Christmas afternoon!
 Two moose making mores over a campfire - he was 11 and loving camping.
And some glittery reindeer from 2015.  

I guess there will be one more Christmas ornament for him next year, too.  
And I'm really loving this tree and all of it's special memories.


Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Christmas plus one

Scout and Dutch will be joining us for Christmas, which makes me feel all kinds of happy! 
She is from Amsterdam and is pretty much on her own, except for us.  She is warming up to us, different as we are from her own family, I am sure.  But she and Scout seem perfectly matched in temperament and personality.
 Scout helping to cut down the perfect tree

She came with us to the tree farm the day after Thanksgiving and took family photos, even though she was missing a baby shower.  And she and Scout have been coming over on Sunday nights where we are gradually learning more about her, and she about us.
 Firstborn and Scout hauling said tree to the truck

Seeing her ever-changing hair color makes me wish I could pull off purple, too!
One of our family traditions is that of the Christmas stocking - you're never too old for one.  I couldn't find an appropriate one for her, so I used one of ours as a pattern and made one using fabric I already had.  It's not perfect, but I hope she will like it!
I think all it needs is some embellishment and her name on the front.  And now I need to finish up everyone's stocking stuffers!


Monday, December 4, 2017

Mealplan Monday #171

Monday - Hamburger Helper, corn (Bubbie cooks)
Tuesday - Ranch Pork Chops with onions and peppers, mashed potatoes, zucchini
Wednesday - 15 Bean Soup with turkey legs (from T Day!)
Thursday - Spagetti and Meatsauce, salad
Friday - Freezer find, veggie
Saturday and Sunday are TBD, but we will be busy both days!

Friday, December 1, 2017

5 thing Friday - Gus, Sidecar, Scout, birthday, Santa's helper

My sister and I have been communicating about our Mother and we even came up with a schedule to call her and visit her.  That way, we don't double up and leave big empty spaces of time when no one is checking on her.
Gus approves.
Hubby and I visited Sidecar Tasting Room one day a couple weekends ago.  They have a cute little house in the middle of Dripping Springs.  Cozy places to sit...
...outside or in...
and a fun place to play a game of cards or whatever.  I love the vintage-y wallpaper.  And the Snake Charmer wine was delightful!
Scout and Michelle had us over for dinner at their new place.  Its so new, there are still boxes to unpack!  They made steaks with mushroom butter, green beans, and mashed potatoes with gravy.  It was all so good.  We met the three (yes, three) kitties and had a nice time visiting.
Birthday #57 happened.  Hubby bought me a pretty bracelet that matches a pendant he bought me a few years ago.  When I showed him how they matched he didn't even remember that he had bought it - but said he thought it was a pretty design (again).  He just happened upon the bracelet.  It was meant to be mine, I guess!
The Girl was a huge help to me over the Thanksgiving holiday, getting all the Christmas down and hanging ornaments and lights.  I could not have done it without her - I was so tired!  I think I ran the dishwasher twice a day and stood cooking til my feet throbbed!  But I had such a great time.  I am looking forward to Christmas.
Happy December!


Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Bopping around in Burnet

Hubby and I had a mini getaway last Saturday after a fairly full Thursday and Friday.
He wanted me to see the new sign for Highlands up close and personal!  We couldn't talk the two older kids into going, so we jumped in the truck and headed out alone.  We stopped at Whataburger and got lunch, then took it to Highlands to eat al fresco.
 Then we stopped off at our (new) favorite place to watch a sunset - Torr Na Lochs.
It was warm on the patio in full sun, but not terrible.  We watched the owner's Longhorns amble around the stone patio, looking for their evening meal. 
We sat until the sun went down.  Then I was the only one who applauded - such an Austin thing to do!
 Next week is the wine pick-up party there, so we will enjoy yet another sunset together, God willing.
On the way home, we stopped at the Christmas Trail of Lights in downtown Burnet.  We were the only ones there - what a change from Austin, where you get to enjoy the trail with 5000 of your closest friends!
They even had something like the Zilker Tree.  Only it was just the two of us and fairly peaceful, even with slight traffic along 29.
Blurry pics notwithstanding, it was a sweet little trail.
Hubby waited patiently for me to come take his hand so we could walk.  It was a sweet end to our little getaway. 
