Friday, August 14, 2015

Tourist in our town - Painting with a Twist

 Carol came to Austin, so Deb and I spent the day with her.  So much fun!  We ate lunch here, shopped at IKEA, then headed over to Painting with a Twist armed with two bottles of wine and some chocolate.
These girls will always be my 19 year old college friends - they make me smile.  They were both there for my wedding day, as I was for theirs, and Carol is The Girl's Godmother.
 You don't have to be an artist to make a masterpiece, but wine helped, as Deb pointed out!
 We laughed a lot, and shared our chocolates with the rest of the class.
 See Debbie's heart shaped cloud?  I so stole that idea from her.
My finished art - all ready for my kitchen!
Carol Van Gogh and Debbie Bandito
After painting, we headed over to Brick Oven for pizza, more wine, and gabbing for hours.  I have to say, this was one of the most fun days this summer!


1 comment:

Rue said...

I love your painting! And I would have stolen the heart cloud idea too.

Wine makes everything better ;)
