Monday, August 24, 2015

Kitchen ready for Back to School!

Happy First Day of school to all of those living in beautiful central Texas!  I am working today, but taking a much-needed R&R day tomorrow.  I deserve it after all the packing, cleaning, washing, organizing, moving, and purging of last week.  One of the big projects I tackled was the kitchen:
The pantry, freezer, and fridge all got a deep clean.  Sadly, a lot of food got tossed.  Not so sadly, most of it was way past time to toss.  Chocolate from last Christmas?  yuck. Expired pantry staples?  Oops.
 Midway through the pantry I stopped to take a pic of my kitchen table.  Everything got a wipe down.  As I tossed, I made a list for the grocery store.
 Cleaner and neater!  Ready for me to buy back to school lunch stuff.
The freezer had the most dramatic cleaning.  Cookie dough from the first of the year got tossed, as well as dibs and dabs of stuff we were never gonna eat.  Now there's room for me to plan my next round of freezer meals.
 Same for the fridge.  I know it looks like we are condiment and creamer hoarders....I also tossed a bunch of stuff The Girl didn't get around to.
It seemed like every time I opened a cabinet, I found something like this - not organized, and sometimes smelly.  I recycled a LOT of plastic containers.  Once they smell funky, they have to go.
It felt good to get the kitchen cleaned and restocked.  I bought groceries, too, and got some things for Bubbie to pack for the beginning of the week.  This big area done makes me feel ready for the start of the school year!


1 comment:

Rue said...

Pat yourself on the back, Gina. That is never an easy job and it looks great :)
