Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Brine time

The Girl and I had a little too much fun making pies and brine the day before Thanksgiving.  
We set everything out on the kitchen table, make a couple of Rum Chata cocktails, and got to work! 
 I read the recipe out to her and she did all the mixing and such.
The brine was fabulous and the bird was so good.  We did a small bird for Thanksgiving, so we might buy another that we can brine and smoke for meals over the holidays.  Here is my tried and true brine recipe:

Camp Rustown Brine
*for a 12-18 pound bird
2 c. kosher salt (NOT iodized table salt)
3 T black peppercorns
1 c. bourbon
5 cloves garlic, minced
1 1/2 c. brown sugar
2 T dried rosemary
3-5 dried bay leaves (depending on their size)
the peel of an orange
2 gallons warm water

 We added the water to the ingredients just before brining, stirring to dissolve the salt.  Then Hubby loaded the bird and brine into a small cooler, added a bag of ice to the top, and set it in the garage overnight.  The next day we "spatchcocked" the bird and roasted it - took about two hours at 325 for our 13 pound bird. It came out moist, seasoned, and fabulous!
We also made three pies.
I am so looking forward to next year and trying new recipes, doing my own shopping and cooking, enjoying the holiday that much more.


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