Monday, September 29, 2014

Mealplan Monday #130 and he gets me

Hubby and I celebrate our 29th wedding anniversary on Sunday.
Here we are as 23 year olds in college...and then, as now, Hubby really "gets" me.  He managed to plan and pay for a great low key weekend with things to go, see, and eat. It will be just he and I, bopping around, having a great time, reconnecting.

Monday - Cheddar Broccoli Skillet, salad
Tuesday -Brown Sugar pork Chops, sweet potatoes
Wednesday -  Pumpkin Ziti, salad
Thursday - Game Night
Friday - Mom and Dad out - boys get pizza
Saturday -Ditto  - boys get taquitos, refrieds
Sunday - Stir Fry with crunchy noodles, Anniversary Cake *
{But also this week I am making Pumpkin Oatmeal Cookies for my peeps to take in lunches}
*going to buy this from a bakery on Friday from either here or here

The best part is that he did all of the planning to find the places to stay and eat.  He calls it our "Winey 29th" because the theme is wine. I told him I had a few surprises up my sleeve, too.  It will be our first weekend away for FUN in years.
We are going to enjoy a great weekend and plan for our 30th!


Monday, September 22, 2014

Mealplan Monday #129 and things that make me laugh

I came across something funny while I was using the expansion drive recently.  Apparently, Hubby had saved a file called "Mom's 50th birthday" with pictures they took to make me this:
I was supposed to wear it at work since it's made to look like a badge.  I think I took it to show everyone - the pictures were so cute I laughed all over again.
The first tag said "Your name is Gina - pronounced "GEENAH"

Monday - Dr. Martin's Mix, cheesy garlic toast
Tuesday - Pork Chops, beans and tomatoes
Wednesday - Baked Tacos, salad with avocado
Thursday - Swiss Chicken, homemade masheds, green beans
Friday - Crusty Baked Tilapia, Ranch Mac and Cheese, salad
Saturday - Dad grill
Sunday - Salsa Spinach Chicken, Spanish rice, corn (never had this a couple weeks ago)*
Dessert will be Pumpkin Brownies
*This seems to happen a lot lately!

 Hubby's tag says his name is MARK when he's in trouble.  Too funny! The tags included stuff like  "Here is where you work, here is where you live" (with photos and a Google map).  It included a picture of my car with the caption "God only knows where your keys are".  It made me laugh all over again!  So I went and found the tags and gave them a place to hang over my desk so I can smile every time I see it.  I need to make one of these for Hubby.


Friday, September 19, 2014

5 thing Friday - roses, trail mix, clothes, computers, and less stuff

Things are settling back into a pattern here at Camp Rustown.  It's been a rough go for me, physically, mentally, every other-ly.  My knee and foot pain make me want to kill someone.  And yet I haven't called out at work.
We brought home some roses from Dallas two weeks ago.  My nephew rigged them up on this hanger to dry so they would stay upright in a dried flower arrangement.  A man after my own heart.  I do this with Valentine's roses, too.  However, I think I will move these to the garage - they smell a little like dead roses, of course.
I made a Fall trail mix with pumpkin spice M&M's, golden raisins, and almonds.  Bubbie found it in the pantry so it didn't stick around for long.  It was merely "ok".  Next time I'll use Ghirardelli dark chocolate chips.  It won't necessarily need to be Fall-flavored.
Clothes shopping wears me out.  But I slogged through an hour or so of it in Kohl's this week and found these two tops to wear with skirts for less than $5 total, and a pair of Lee jeans on sale for $30.  
I vowed to get all of my files and programs transferred from my old laptop to my new one and I DID IT.  Only took me about three weeks.  Have I mentioned that I am not technically savvy?  Again, the cat was in the way helped.  The only thing I left to do is work on my iTunes files, but that's not at the top of my list.
My next big project will be to further empty our master closet.  I got Hubby to admit that we needed to purge some more.  No one needs textbooks from college in the eighties. Keep your fingers crossed that he is still on board with it!


Monday, September 15, 2014

Mealplan Monday #128 and the boys

Sometimes my kids make me want to spank them til their heads fall off.  They can be smartalecky, stubborn, hard to get along with, and just plain ridiculous.

Monday - Chicken and Dumplings
Tuesday - Meatball Subs, Rosemary Fries (we never had this week before last...)
Wednesday - Easy Chicken Enchiladas, salad*
Thursday - OUT - Game Night
Friday - Brisket Sammies, chips
Saturday - YOYO, camping weekend
Sunday - Mississippi Crock Pot Roast, masheds, green beans
*Recipe coming soon
Dessert this week is Easy Spice-y Pumpkin Cake  (cause I can't wait for the Season Of Pumpkin!)

Sweet boys.  How you drive me crazy. 


Friday, September 12, 2014

Happy Birthday to Chloe Erin!

Happy Birthday to my pretty little girl, 23 years old!
You'll always be my smiling, sweet little girlie, no matter how old you get!
The Girl, ca. 1994

While we try to teach our children all about life,
Our children teach us what life is all about

-Angela Schwindt

Amen to that!


Monday, September 8, 2014

Mealplan Monday #127 and Strawberry Bread

I wanted to take some things to Dallas with us to lessen the hostess load on my nephew's family.  They were very generous to let all five of us stay at their house.  They have small children - I know how tough it can be when your kids are out of their normal schedule with sad faces all around and hubbub. Strawberry Bread sounded like a good thing to bring - I got the recipe from Sharon so many years ago. We were visiting her around the holidays and she had set out a couple of breakfast breads with butter. It was wonderful!
She was a great hostess and cook and she shared her recipes with me whenever I asked, which was often.  So, in honor of her...

Strawberry Bread

Pre-heat the oven to 350. Sift together in a large bowl:
3 c. flour
1 t baking soda
1 t salt
1 t cinnamon
2 c. sugar*

In another bowl mix:
4 eggs, beaten
1 1/2 c. canola oil
2 small cartons strawberries in syrup, thawed

Combine the two, stirring gently.  Grease and flour 4 loaf pans.  Divide batter evenly between the pans. (You can also add some finely chopped nuts to the batter if you like)  Bake at 350 for 45 min to an hour, depending on your oven.  Let cool and slice. Or freeze them for the holidays!

I broke my no oven rule and the house smelled so good!

Monday - (Leftover from freezer) BBQ Pulled Chicken for sammies, chips
Tuesday - Spinach Salsa Chicken (freezer meal), brown rice,corn
Wednesday - Four Cheese Bacon Lasagna Skillet, salad (And Back to School Night for only ONE kid - I can hardly believe it!!)
Thursday - Pan Fried Pork Chops, white beans with tomatoes, cheesey garlic toast
Friday - Game Night - OUT
Saturday - Dad grill
Sunday - Chicken Parmesan Casserole, salad

The loaves don't rise really high - they are so moist.  Also, I've made them with a little less sugar and oil in the past and they turn out OK.  Your call.
Strawberry Bread will forever remind me of family, holidays, home, and Sharon.


Friday, September 5, 2014

5 thing Friday - clouds, birthday blues, Fall decor, jewelry, sign

It's been an OK week.  We're all trying to get back into the school/band/college/work groove here, but it's been a rough start with my SIL passing.  Looking forward to a better week soon.
 The humidity and heat are back.  Don't let these dark clouds fool you into thinking we will actually get rain.  They are there to taunt us.
 The Girl turns 23 next week. I might not get to Waco next Friday, which pains me.  She said the next time she is coming home is Thanksgiving.  Eventually mama will bake girlie a cake!
I pulled all of the Fall crap out yesterday to start Fall-ifying in here. I made a gigantic mess all over the dining room, but I got everything prettied up so now the house is clean and smells good and looks great. 
 Here is a little bit of it in the kitchen.  I'm buying less each year.
 I took some things in to James Avery for cleaning and as always, it was like getting new things! And I need The Girl to get her finger sized so we can order her "class ring".
I don't know why I ever took down my homemade No Soliciting sign but I finally made a new one.  Someone at the door actually told me they weren't trying to sell me anything, as they were standing about a foot from the door.  


Wednesday, September 3, 2014

BBQ Chicken and Pineapple Quesadillas

This week there are only three of us to feed and I have a million things to do to get ready for an out of town trip.  
 So, when a friend suggested these quesadillas I thought they sounded perfect.  We love our quesdadillas around here, and these were really tasty.
 I bought a rotisserie chicken on my way home from work, and the other ingredients I already had - BBQ sauce, pineapple tidbits, flour tortillas, cheese (not pictured), and some butter (ditto).  I'm not 100% sure of the recipe, I was just winging it!
I heated up my griddle, deboned and chopped the chicken, drained the pineapple, 
and grated the cheese.  I happened to have mild cheddar, but I guess most hard cheeses would be fine.  I no longer buy the pre-grated bags of cheese - when you grate your own it just seems creamier.
 I put a tortilla, buttered side down on the hot griddle and just layered on cheese, chicken, pineapple, a tablespoon or so of sauce, and more cheese.
Then I slapped down another tortilla and buttered the top of it.
 After a few minutes I peek at the underside - if it's nice and toasty I flip.  Flipping it can be tricky with grated cheese.  But freashly grated cheese melts quicker and I get the griddle really hot.
This is the color I aim for!  I made a big salad with grape tomatoes, romaine, avocados, and the kitchen sink.  Just like Hubby does.
And I gently simmered the chicken carcass for stock.  


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Monday, September 1, 2014

Mealplan Monday #126 and the end of summer band practice

I know it seems like I keep repeating myself that the summer seemed to hit the blahs with about two weeks to go.  However, one of the highlights of those blah days was getting to go see the band show off for us at the end of summer camp.
We got there early enough to get a great seat at the edge of the practice lot.  We opened up the hatchback and settled in.  The sun was burning hot, but there was the promise of an ice cream social to follow.
 Unfortunately, Bubbie was somewhere on the side furthest from us.

Monday - Chinese take out
Tuesday - BBQ Chicken and Pineapple quesadillas
Wednesday - Meatball Subs and rosemary fries
Thursday - Game Night - Whataburger*
Friday - Papa John's (we have a free pizza coming)
Saturday - Trip to Dallas
Sunday - Pot Luck Beans
I doubt I will give much thought to dessert

*This is a tradition that Hubby started...pick up our favorite band student after the game and get a late night burger.  Is it a healthy habit?  No.  But it's a lot of fun!
Much to the kids' obvious delight, they had the parents join the band on the practice lot to learn a few marching basics.  Fun!
It was great to get a sneak peek at the halftime show.  I am so looking forward to the football games and all the fun marching season has in store for Bubbie!
Happy Labor Day!
