Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Bubbie's gallery wall

I got the gallery wall together and here is where it stands - for now:
There's room for improvement, but I think it's a nice arrangement - only took an hour or so to figure out and a million nail holes to patch...
These are the pics I initially settled on - but I had forgotten that the beach pic was actually the one I'd chosen to have a canvas print made out of - so I subbed a piece of his art in that frame instead.  The photofinishing from Walgreen's was way off, so some of the black and white looked tinted an odd color.  The photo lab guy suggested that next time I ask for "true" black and white.  
After I butchered the wall with holes trying to get the best layout, I patched with this:
I just have always used the eyeball method.  I have to see the actual picture there.  It usually looks great in the end.  
 The tiny holes will disappear forever. This is touch-up paint drying.  FYI, did you know that Home Depot will "shake" your old paint for you?  They did that while I picked out some satin finish black spray paint paint to touch up all of the frames so they would match.
And this is how I store the paint roller in the fridge, so I can make sure all the touch-ups are truly done.  There is nothing worse than putting it all up and seeing a spot you missed!

I kind of love it.  I think the wall color is great in here as a backdrop for the black and redHope he likes it, too!


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