Friday, August 16, 2013

Tourist in our town - Emma Long Park

Scout and I wanted to go someplace pretty to take pics last week.  We've never been to Emma Long Metropolitan Park for some reason.  It's only a 10-15 minute drive away.
It's the oldest city park in Austin and truly beautiful.  There is over a mile of shoreline and the park itself sits on 1,000 acres.  They normally charge $5 a car to park, but the lady let us in free cause we didn't know.
We were only there to eat lunch and take pics anyway.  There were lots of picnic tables in shade - Scout and I took sammies and frozen grapes and had a feast!
 And enjoyed some sweet breezes on a hot August day.
I should have worn my swimsuit - there were sandy shallow areas to swim in and tons of little shells.  So refreshing on the toes!  Lots of families there, and doggies enjoying the lake, too.






Michelle said...

Beautiful place. Look like a great day .

Jill of all Trades said...

I've heard that the Austin area is beautiful! My family did the "tourist in our town" thing just last week. There's so many places we pass and say, "we should check that out someday". We've kept a running list and finally set aside a vacation day to see them all (mostly butcher and cheese shops - we're in Wisconsin). We discovered so many cool shops with great stuff at decent prices. It pays to explore your own backyard!