Friday, February 1, 2013

Down but not out

Thursday dawned and Bubbie said his throat and head hurt.  Knowing that flu is making it's germy self known at the middle school, I kept him home.  It will be good for him to rest and read a few books.
But I also had told my mother I would meet her in Giddings, and Bubbie is old enough now (14) to tend to himself for a few hours.  I turned a laundry basket upside down to make an impromptu table where I placed some yogurt and juice in a plastic container full of ice, some water with some Motrin, cough drops, an orange, a treat, and some Kleenex next to his bed.
I got this idea from Pinterest: rubberband the empty tissue box next to the full box and you have a Kleenex "trash can" for used tissues.
I put a can of chicken noodle soup in the kitchen and his phone next to him, and left the house, knowing he can fend for himself, given the chance.  He might be down, but he's a smart little guy.  I am hoping that a weekend of rest will do him wonders.


Calypso In The Country said...

I think my son has the same thing! Hope yours feels better soon!

Angie@Echoes of Laughter said...

Awww! I love his little bedside table! And that kleenex tip is brilliant!I hope he is starting to feel better Gina! Have a great weekend! Angie xo

Michelle said...

Hope he feels better soon.

Jennifer Juniper said...

This is a great idea! I have a houseful of throw-the-tissues-on-the-floor people so good tip!