I recently pinned a cute tute on making use of tiny scraps of fabric by creating bookmarks. Since I'm an avid reader, I thought I would whip some up.
I used a bookmark I already have, as a guide. Just laid my fabrics out in the order I wanted, stitched, ironed on some interfacing, sewed right sides together with another fabric for the back, then turned right side out and stitched around the edges. Easy peasy.
I added a loop of ribbon to the tops and stitched my initials on one side of my "artwork". Once I got the hang of it, each one took me less than 10 minutes.
Bubbie came home from school while I was in the thick of it and asked for his own. Which got me to thinking: there's a lot of people I could make these for, including his brothers, sister, aunt, grandmother...good thing I have plenty o' fabric scraps!
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