Saturday, December 17, 2011

Tacky Homemades, Secret Santa version

That's how my mother always refers to gifts she makes at Christmastime - and they are always anything BUT tacky.  I got an idea to make ornaments for a co-worker who's name I may or may nor have drawn in our Secret Santa gift exchange. 
I started out with sparkly unbreakable ornaments from Michael's, and some shimmery white fabric paint.  I found the cutest Ho Ho Ho ribbon and was so excited!  Only to discover at home that someone had cut about half of it off the I had to settle on polka dots ribbon.
Still pretty cute - stripes and dots together work!
I used a measuring cup to hold the ornament steady and wrote each family member's name in white,

Then I added a dot of red to the lettering.  They dried pretty quickly.
And when they did, I added the ribbon to the tops to gussy them up a bit.  She will still be able to hook a tree hanger in there to hang them on their tree.  No worries about them breaking - hooray!
I packaged them in one of those red rectangular zip loc containers and bundled that with a box of Starbucks cocoa, candy canes, and gingersnaps. 
Merry Christmas, Mom of Three Cute Kids!



KimMalk said...

What cute gifts. I like that you bundled everything together, it looks so extravagant.

Marie said...

What a great idea!
Love it!

Angie@Echoes of Laughter said...

It looks so awesome all bundled together! I think anyone would be delighted to receive such a beautiful gift! And thank you so much for linking to me! You are so sweet! Angie xo