Monday, February 28, 2011

Mod-podge fabric "vase"

I saw this very cute idea in Bloggyland and decided to make one for my mom's birthday - a fabric wrapped and mod-podged vase made out of a pickle jar!
Over the years she has given me a lot of scrap fabric in the hopes I will one day make a quilt.  I just don't think I have the patience for that, but I love the sweet little prints.
 I tore off some strips and left the edges frayed.
 Then I painted mod-podge on a clean jar
 and wrapped the fabric all around it.  
I have an old cookie sheet I use to keep my table from getting mp'd!
I covered the jar thread at the top, too.  She might use it for more flowers, or even as a pencil jar later on, so she probably doesn't need the lid.   Then I gave it a couple coats of mod-podge and let it dry.
We had a fun visit in Brenham and went to the quilt show in La Grange.
How appropriate, right?  And she loved the flowers (:


1 comment:

Marie said...

Cute! Great idea for a vase.
I thought of you...I found a baby wale corduroy
Laura Ashley-ish dress, like the ones we used
to wear. It looks brand new and I can't wait to
put some tights with it and wear it. I paid $5 for it.
A bargain for sure.
: )