Monday, November 10, 2014

Mealplan Monday #136 and less worry, hopefully

 My sincerest hope is that this week is better than last week for a number of reasons:
My knee pain hopefully will have abated somewhat and I start physical therapy, my husband will get a break from doing 99% of all the cooking, cleaning, and such, and I will stop fretting over my return to work and how I will physically function at my job.
 Meanwhile, I am trying to keep menus simple, grocery lists understandable, and express gratitude to  everyone for everything they are doing to help get me back to 100%.  I so dislike being an invalid.  It is zero fun to be stuck in this tiny world of lounge chair, computer, phone, window, cat.  It's enough to make me bonkers, even without all of the worry.  It's all happening at the wrong time of year for me, but I am working on trying to keep it all in perspective.
Monday - (freezer) Lasagna, salad
Tuesday - Chinese take out
Wednesday - Soy Peppered Salmon, sauteed squash
Thursday - One Pot Chili Mac, garlic toast
Friday - BBQ Sammies, chips (camping weekend)
Saturday - YOYO - Scout and Mom
Sunday - (freezer) Chicken Cacciatore, linguini, green beans
Desert is leftover birthday cake - red velvet with fudge frosting and m&m's - courtesy of Hubby and The Girl
I appreciate all the things done for me - lunches brought to me (Deb, Scout, Melissa), med schedules worked out for me (The Girl), housework and laundry kept up (Hubby, Scout, Bubbie), dinners prepared and kitchen cleaned (Hubby, with help from the boys), errands run (Hubby, Scout, The Girl), long rambling text messages from me read and responded to kindly (Dani, Hubby), furry body purring on my tummy as I snooze in a vicodin haze (Sugar), and various other people who have checked in with me or wrote me sweet notes on Facebook, or added me to prayer groups (Karen, Tanya).
There are those that have been less helpful than others - given advice that is more like preaching - so maybe its good that they are at more of a distance.  That way the dear ones that mean the most to me have room to stand just a wee bit closer...

1 comment:

Simply LKJ said...

Praying that the pain is better this week. Therapy will help for sure. At least it will be a change of scenery!!